Introduction to AI

Machine Learning (Scratch)

AI in Medicine

AI in Medicine: Possible Applications and Potentials

Robots and Robotics

Deep Learning Cars

AI in Medicine

5 Uses of AI in Healthcare! | 5 Mins 5 Ideas

AI in Medicine

Is this the future of health? | The Economist

AI in Medicine

This Job Is Being Replaced by an Algorithm

Robots and Robotics

TYPES OF ROBOTS | Robots Classification

Introduction to AI

What is the Turing Test?

Introduction to AI

The Turing test: Can a computer pass for a human? -Alex Gendler

Introduction to AI

Passing the Turing test

Introduction to AI

Conversations with Eliza

Introduction to AI

Korea Autonomous Vehicle, Night Drive on Highway, Close to Market [2]

Introduction to AI

Korea Autonomous Vehicle, Day Drive on Highway, at 80-125 km/h

Introduction to AI

AlphaGo becomes number 1 Go player in the world

Introduction to AI

Google Is Training Its Artificial Intelligence To Detect Eye Disease

Introduction to AI

LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 official 2013 commercial)

Introduction to AI

Amazing Amanda Doll Commercial

AI and Philosophy

The Chinese Room - 60-Second Adventures in Thought (3/6)

AI and Philosophy

Would you opt for a life with no pain? - Hayley Levitt and Bethany Rickwald

Introduction to AI


AI and Science Fiction

5 Ways Humans Could TIME TRAVEL

AI and Science Fiction

Isaac Asimov on The Golden Age of Science Fiction

AI and Science Fiction

Sir Arthur C Clarke: 90th Birthday Reflections

AI and Science Fiction

2001: A Space Odyssey - Original Extended Trailer #2

AI and Science Fiction


AI and Science Fiction

The Terminator Movie Trailer

AI and Science Fiction

Meet the Puzzlebox Orbit: A Drone Controlled by Brain Waves

AI in Games

Deep Blue beat G. Kasparov in 1997

AI in Games

WarCraft: Armies Of Azeroth - StarCraft II mod

AI in Games

Top 10 Real Time Strategy Games

AI in Games

Creatures 2 Introduction

AI in Games

Creatures 2 Game

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Rock Paper Scissor Recogniztion Demo

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

K210 - Number Recogniztion Demo

NLP and Machine Translation

Inside Google Translate

NLP and Machine Translation

Microsoft: Real-time Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation Demo

Introduction to AI

KD tree algorithm: how it works

Introduction to AI

Human Brain Project : O cérebro artificial

AI in Finance and Investment

Using Neural Networks to forecast financial markets

AI in Finance and Investment

Want to invest with one simple click? Here's how robo-advisors works | AQUMON

AI in Finance and Investment

AI in Healthcare: Top A.I. Algorithms In Healthcare - The Medical Futurist

AI in Finance and Investment


AI in Finance and Investment

Human Support Robot (HSR) Practical Demonstration

AI in Finance and Investment

Robot Companion for the Elderly

Robots and Robotics

Mercedes A-Class Production line

Robots and Robotics

Robots inspired by animals

Robots and Robotics

Snake robot climbs a tree

Robots and Robotics

Tree-climbing robot

Robots and Robotics

Coconut Tree climbing robot

Robots and Robotics

Microbot for swimming in small arteries

Robots and Robotics

Nanobots Flowing Through a Blood Vessel

Robots and Robotics

Incredible Singing Android! -HRP-4C Humanoid Robot : DigInfo

Robots and Robotics

Massive robot dance - Guinness World Records

Robots and Robotics

Robotics & Degrees of Freedom (DOF)

Robots and Robotics

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

Robots and Robotics

Robot Locomotion

Robots and Robotics

eMotion - Facial Expression Recognition

Robots and Robotics

Humanoid robot

Robots and Robotics

Robot Learning from Demonstration by Averaging Trajectories - Pouring into the Cup

Robots and Robotics

Towards Learning Robot Table Tennis

Robots and Robotics

Robotic Surgery

Future of AI

Future world 2050 a day in the future

Future of AI

4 Incredible Technologies Inspired by Animals

Future of AI

Future Life with Pepper

Future of AI

Humanoid robot Pepper to go on sale on June 20, 2015

Future of AI

Robot controlled by Neurons

Future of AI

10 Real Life Cyborgs

Future of AI

A Mind Controlled Flying Robot

Future of AI

neurowear 'shippo brain controlled tail' concept movie(脳波で動くしっぽ)

Future of AI

What is nanotechnology?

Future of AI

The future of AI nanotechnology

Future of AI

How the World Wide Web has changed our lives

Future of AI

Singularity - Humanity's last invention

Future of AI

10 Ways the World Could End

AI in Games

Evolutionary Robots

AI in Games

Super Mario Bros. - Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm

AI in Games

Machine Learning for Flappy Bird using Neural Network & Genetic Algorithm

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

How the human brain works

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

What is a Neural Network - Ep. 2 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED)

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Autonomous Vehicle A1 (Hanyang University) 무인 자율주행 자동차

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural networks [7.1] : Deep learning - motivation

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

3 reasons to go Deep - Ep. 3 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED)

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Convolutional Neural Networks - Ep. 8 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED)

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

A friendly introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks and Image Recognition

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Speed Sign Recognition by Convolutional Neural Networks

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Speed Sign Recognition by Convolutional Neural Networks 2

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Use Cases - Ep. 12 (Deep Learning SIMPLIFIED)

We share all the resources here for free.We create practical AI workshops for students to gain hands-on experience and learn AI with fun. They will have more concrete ideas and feel more connected with the AI applications. After collecting the public resources on AI, we plan to create a website to organize these resources and categorize them by AI topics.

Core E, 6/F, Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong